Souza, also known as Souza81 on twitter and as admin of the MJHDI forum, got an offer from a tabloid to present her/their theories publicly...for money!
Normally, I´m not interested in her or her forum, for me, it´s out of touch with the real world, but now I think, enough is enough!
On the one hand, getting paid for so called "hoax information" is disgusting, but maybe it´s only me thinking that way.
On the other hand, and that´s way more important....if she´s talking about "believer´s thoughts", presenting her own crazy forum stuff as the one and only truth and the one and only way of believer´s way of thinking....what does this make of us all, of the remaining 99% of us, who´re not getting along with her????
The effect is, we´ll all be measured by the same yardstick!!!!
Isn´t it already enough, that we´re blamed and called names like "nutcases" or even more worse "no real fans", because we believe, MJ is still alive?
And now, we´ve this "lady", a pure attention whore, looking for fame at MJ´s back.....honestly, how much more dead keen on attention could she be????
Hopefully, she´ll just speak for herself, but I highly doubt that!
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