Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray´s documentary and statements....

I didn´t post for a long time, was kinda trapped in my daily soap opera called "The people vs. Conrad Robert Murray". ;)
Now that the trial is over and Dr. Murray´s interviews, statements and documentary was aired, I´ve read a lot of judgemental and bad things concerning him. And all point to one and the same issue, no matter what he has to say, nothing he has to tell the world would sound like "da troot", because he´s convicted of involuntary manslaughter and he´s the "fall guy". He MUST be a liar, bad inside and outside, telling lies whenever he opens his mouth.....words like "scumbag", "full of shit and greed" and many more words were added to his name, even before the trial began and this didn´t stop as yet. It´s the opposite, it´s getting worse every day.
All those, who´re judging Dr. Murray big time, should not forget....there were two persons in the particular bedroom on June 25, 2009, one was MJ, the second one was Dr. Murray. One of them is "allegedly dead", the other one´s telling his side of the story. All the conversations he had with MJ about private issues and medical facts most likely took place without witnesses or "sources", now he´s telling his story from his very personal point of view. And for that, he´s shot down in flames....because he dares to paint a picture of MJ as a normal human being with needs, fears and anger.

Lots of people do think, MJ is kinda unfailing, never able to make just a tiny little mistake.
Comments like "MJ would never say this" or "MJ would never do that" clearly show one thing to me.....there are people who don´t allow MJ being just human. They prefer to make a saint out of him, who´s just consituted of pure love for each and everyone, always forgiving, never cursing, just holy.....poor guy!

Ever thought about MJ being a real man? A man who loved to look at women´s butts? A man who had sex with women not just in a relationship? "She jumped my bones" is not my wording, I´m just referring to his very own words. And I hope, he had fun!
He´s a prankster, he loves to play games, he´s "going to shock the world"!
And don´t forget, behind this lovely face is a strong business man, not just a "Mr. Nice Guy"!
I´d give him credit for way more than being all about love.

Those who think, they´d know him so well I´d like to ask.....did you ever have a drink with him? Did you share personal experiences with him? Did you talk face to face with him, even for just a few minutes? No?
How could you make such statements like "he´d not do" or "he´d say" without having shared just the same room, huh?

I´m not going to take part in this ridiculous game, I prefer to look at things from different angles to find out, what´s behind a story. And I´d urge some of the so called "strong fans", who pretend to love MJ more than anything but condemn Dr. Murray to the hell and back....follow HIS example and try to be "Mike-like", whatever this mean to you! Remember to always think twice!