Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Can you believe that?

Souza, also known as Souza81 on twitter and as admin of the MJHDI forum, got an offer from a tabloid to present her/their theories publicly...for money!
Normally, I´m not interested in her or her forum, for me, it´s out of touch with the real world, but now I think, enough is enough!
On the one hand, getting paid for so called "hoax information" is disgusting, but maybe it´s only me thinking that way.
On the other hand, and that´s way more important....if she´s talking about "believer´s thoughts", presenting her own crazy forum stuff as the one and only truth and the one and only way of believer´s way of thinking....what does this make of us all, of the remaining 99% of us, who´re not getting along with her????
The effect is, we´ll all be measured by the same yardstick!!!!

Isn´t it already enough, that we´re blamed and called names like "nutcases" or even more worse "no real fans", because we believe, MJ is still alive?
And now, we´ve this "lady", a pure attention whore, looking for fame at MJ´s back.....honestly, how much more dead keen on attention could she be????

Hopefully, she´ll just speak for herself, but I highly doubt that!

Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011

Enough is enough!

The last days, I´ve read many statements on twitter, which called Dr. Murray names and pre-judged him even before the trial took place.
It´s more than annoying and it makes me angry to see, that people, who claim themselves to be "real MJ fans" dare to act like the tabloids!
Dr. Murray didn´t say just one word, and everything about the alleged defense strategy is nothing more than just rumors as yet, but it´s taken as the one and only truth!
You just base your so called "knowledge" about Dr. Murray and his defense on the media´s report, so I determine, you´re not better than they are!
Do you really think, Dr. Murray´s defense team would present their strategy to the world to pass the ball to the prosecution???
And if these "sources close to the case" would be right and the defense would predicate their strategy on MJ self-administering Propofol or drinking it, it would be a chance to arouse reasonable doubts at the jury!

I said it once and I say it again, "innocent until proven guilty" is a fundamental right in the American Judicial System. You, who judge Dr. Murray now, before he had his first day in court, are doing the same, what many others did to MJ in 2005!!!
You say, how could they have judged MJ before he had his time in court....and what are you doing now???
Do you really think, calling Dr. Murray "Murderray" is more justified than MJ was called a pedophile, before he was acquitted of all counts?
None of us was there on June 25, 2009, and whatever happened in MJ´s room on that day, Dr. Murray deserves his time in court to get the chance to tell the world!

As for me, we´re witnesses of the greatest show on earth! Ever considered, that MJ is not the angel, most of you think, he is? ;)

I decided to unfollow those haters, I don´t go along with their opinion. I can´t accept their hate and disrespect anymore!

Montag, 7. Februar 2011

I´m annoyed of being blamed!

Good morning!

An old topic, revived again....this morning I read some current comments on one of my older videos about people in MJ´s life.
One comment implicated the declarative statement, if I´d be a real fan, I would not believe, that MJ is still alive! How could I think, he would "bribe" his family, Dr. Murray and others, JUST to fake his death?!?!
"Mike would never do that!" EXCUSE ME???? First, how dare you to call MJ "Mike", did you ever have a drink with him to be that personal??? Did he ever talked to you in private, that you´re able to estimate his attitude, his character, his intentions???? Did he???
I´d assume, he didn´t, so do me a simple favor and stop talking about him as if he´d be your best personal friend!
I´m stunned....if I understand it right, believing, that MJ is still alive and did, what he did, for a very good reason, means, NOT to be his fan....period!!! By implication you could say, understimating his normal and human side, not being an infallible angel and just all about love, means to disrespect him. Ö_ö

As for me, it´s unbelievable, that someone, who pretends to be a "real" fan, judges others because of a different opinion! They claim to be a fan, didn´t they learn anything from "Mike"???? If they think, he wouldn´t be able to fake his death, it´s fine, I can go along with it, I can accept their opinion!
But obviously they´re not willing to accept other one´s thinking!
I don´t pretend to know anything about MJ´s thoughts and I´m sure, none of us "outsiders", who didn´t talk to him personally, know, what might have happened around June 25, 2009....but some still feel the need to belittle others, to blame them, to call them names and much more!
That´s disprespectful, stupid, childish and simply not necessary!!!!
As for me, I refuse to get involved in that drama anymore! And if time will tell, that I was wrong in my belief, that MJ is still alive, I´ll be the first one to apologize, but until then, I´ll prefer to stick to facts and have a critical look behind the curtain instead of following deluded people like a sheep!

Having said that, have a good day all! :)