Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

Enough is enough!

Hello, my friends,

now it´s time for me to express my thoughts about all the posers, fakes and imposters running around on twitter the last weeks/months.
The first one who seems to be really persistent is @mjviva. This person claimes to post MJ´s "true being", his thoughts and attitudes concerning himself, the family, friends and much more. I dared to read the latest "outpouring" about MJ´s religious belief and I was kinda speechless, which is a very rare condition for me.
Despite the fact that I don´t care if MJ would have converted to Islam or remained to stick to his Christian belief, how could anybody really think, MJ would express his very personal and most private things on twitter???? I should repeat that again.....ON TWITTER????
1.126 people are following this @mjviva as yet, so do I have to assume, 1.126 people are not willing to realize that this person is playing a sophisticated mind game?!?! Or is it simply the deep wish to be more "informed" than others? To learn more about Michael Jackson´s "real personality"?
Just imagine who´s sitting on the other side of the screen....can you visualize MJ sitting there, staring at the keyboard and typing his heart out? I´m sure, at least 1.126 people would answer "yes"....
Like to know what I see when I think of the person on the other side of the screen? I see a pathetic individual who gives himself a hand, laughing his a$$ off and congratulating himself for having fooled so many people.....people who really admire MJ, who really love MJ, who really care for MJ.

The next one is a person named @RealMAttraction and I´m not sure if it´s just one person or a group of people playing with other people´s minds.

I don´t want to go into details, I´d please you to read Serenity´s latest blogpost.

This guy obviously has a lot of little helpers, supporting his crap and reversing every single argument into the opposite. One of the most popular arguments is....all the "wrongs" in the poser´s statements and videos are for a purpose to test how strong people´s belief is. So we must proceed from the assumption that MJ loves to play mind games just to see if his fans believe him still being alive and would stand by him? Good lawd!!!!
The "This is it" promotion slogan - "Discover the Man you never knew before" - is not meant to be an excuse for every oddity!

There are a lot of other freaky posers and so called "informers" but most of them are not worth to be called by name, they seem to be kinda "harmless" and it´s a waste of time and energy to deal with them.

I don´t want to tell anybody what to think or how to act but I´d please you to think for yourself and not to fall for every "possible MJ" around.

With this in mind, I wish you a blessed weekend! :)