Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

The Dr. Murray trial...

Good morning, my friends,

and here we go again, the trial is about to start today, the jury selection is the first step to make the trial possible. I´ve read, about 420 potential jurors will be in court to answer to the questionnaire which is about 100 questions long and which contains questions about personal drug use, knowledge about sedatives and diseases contibuted to drug addiction.
You don´t need to be a prophet to realize that it´ll be hard to find jurors who´re able to arrive at a verdict in an unbiased way.
Judge Michael E. Pastor and an appeal court decided not to sequester the jurors during the trial, so it´s all up in the air....or is it better to say, let the media hunt begin?!
There are so called "journalists" who´ll report from the courtroom for sure. Remember these women?

I´m sure, I don´t need to mention the names.....

Both are wellknown to be inciting, unfair, bigoted and resistant to advice. Those properties won´t help the reader/viewer to form an objective view on the things happening inside the courtroom.
Diane Dimond is still of the opinion, MJ is a child molester who admittedly left the courtroom a free man in 2005 but nevertheless is guilty of all counts he was accused of.
She doubts that MJ´s three children are really his own flesh and blood and she doesn´t get tired to claim, MJ was a serious drug addict.
Nancy Grace isn´t any better!

The defense team should base their strategy on the assumption, MJ should have ingested the lethal dose of Propofol orally while Dr. Murray was outside his bedroom. Additionally, they wanted to call Dr. Klein to the stand to prove, he made MJ seriously addicted to painkillers like Demerol.

Now a LA judge ruled that Dr. Arnold Klein does not have to take the witness stand which forces Dr. Murray to take the stand to speak for himself.
Beside the fact that absolutely nothing from the autopsy report points to the fact, that MJ was addicted to drugs (healthy liver and kidneys), the defense kinda lost one of their most important witnesses for their alleged strategy.

The prosecution made a request that a study on 6 students from Chile, who swallowed Propofol without any effect, should be approved in court. On top of that, they want to summon Dr. Steven Shafer to the witness stand, an anesthesiologist from New York, who should testify, Dr. Murray should have negelcted any kind of medical standard care.
Didn´t they find an anesthesiologist from California who´s willing to testify??? How could someone out-of-state comment on Dr. Murray´s alleged misdemeanor although they weren´t involved in the case in any way??? It´s like making a "telediagnosis".
And what´s up with that alleged study of students from Chile???? Are there no other studies from the US available??? Or do they want us to believe, they don´t know how Propofol reacts when it would be swallowed and nobody ever tested it???

With this requirements, Dr. Murray should take the stand to defend himself? It seems like he would figuratively commit suicide, he may as well pack it all in, and the media will hand him the rope over.

In all honesty, to me it sounds like the realization of a weird script where nothing adds up at all. I´d go so far to say, we´re now observers of the "Greatest Show on Earth"! ;)

Enjoy your day! :)

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