Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

Now it´s really enough!

Okay, I feel the need to get someting off my chest which bothers me deeply. Watching my timeline on twitter reveal tweets promoting videos which focus on alleged "clues" and "hints" from the very recent past. Then I consider, do those video makers really think that people, who may be involved in the "MJ drama", really feel the need to spread clues about him being alive almost three years after June 25, 2009????
As for me, that´s simply a wrong conclusion. Is it truly important how Mrs. Katherine Jackson looked like during the interview on "Piers Morgan" and what she answered to the questions???? Is it necessary to tear almost every TMZ article into pieces just because a clue could be hidden in it????

Interestingly, lots of people jump on this bandwaggon....and it saddens me to see that they still prefer to stay on a superficial level instead of trying to find out, what led MJ to his decision to "die". There´s so much more behind the curtain than meets the eyes and it started way earlier than on June 25, 2009. Putting our minds on those "hints" and "clues" was a good thing to do during the first months, maybe a bit longer but now it´s time to think about the "why".
I don´t claim that we´ll be ever able to fully get what happened behind closed doors and I´m quite sure, we may never know the whole truth unless MJ himself tells us but it´s worth the try to focus on the real Man...he deserves it!

Have a great day! :)

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