Montag, 9. September 2013

Katherine Jackson vs. AEG

The trial´s still ongoing, lots and lots of witnesses testified and it seems, it´s not coming to an end soon.
Now the judge dismissed Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware as defendants and I´m curious to learn about the background. Her ruling came as a surprise, at least for me. Who´ll be the defendant now? AEG the company without anybody in charge?
Dr. Conrad Murray is sitting behind bars, waiting to be released soon after he served half of his sentence in jail. He´s the one who could finally answer the question, who hired him but noone is willing to call him to the stand to clear that up. It´s ridiculous!

Thousands of $$ are spent to make this trial happen, expensive attorneys are paid to demonstrate both sides but they are kinda dancing around the main question, so we need to ask....what´s the purpose of this second-rate theater?

We heard a lot about MJ as a person in this trial, he was portrayed as a strong personality, a drug addict, a lazy person, a physically ill man, a healthy person with a lot of strength and the will to make this comeback amazing.
Who to believe now? Personally I hoped to learn more about MJ but it´s the opposite, I´m more confused than I was before, how about you?

My mind´s running in circles, I try to remember all the things I´ve heard and read during the last years but it´s almost impossible to get a clear picture. It started with the LAPD´s and the Coroner´s really sloppy investigative work which started on June 25, 2009. From then on, nothing really made sense to me.
There´s so many people who were involved in MJ´s life and business affairs, one of them even committed officially suicide kinda "out of the blue" without leaving an explanation. There´s just a farewell letter, he expressed his love for his wife and daughters and was also seeking for forgiveness for his decision to leave this life. Does this sound as weird to you as it sounds to me?

I think, I´ll need a lot of time to get all this straight but I highly doubt that I´ll come to a conclusion....ever!

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