Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

Will Dr. Murray take the stand?

One of the latest reports concerning Dr. Murray was about the hot topic if he´ll take the witness stand during the upcoming trial.
He should have stated "There´s so much the world doesn´t know about MJ and June 25, 2009"....I´m quite sure, he´s very right about that! ;)

We don´t know if it´s just empty rethoric or a real announcement but hopefully the defense team will be able to prepare Dr. Murray the best way possible.
Otherwise he might be his own hangman. The prosecution still wants to prove him guilty of involuntary manslaughter and won´t omit just one small chance to get his butt.
On the other side..."Your honor, I´m an innocent man, therefore plead 'not guilty'!"

One information from the "RadarOnline" report got my attention, Dr. Murray should have said, if he won´t get the chance to tell 'da troot' during the trial, he´d give an interview afterwards, revealing almost everything and just the truth.
That reminded me of one of Jermaine´s tweets from some time ago....he said, the truth would be told after the trial, when the time is right...whatever this should mean.
Both statements are odd considering the trial is meant to clear up all the facts which should have led to MJ´s "death". And Dr. Murray seems to be more than sure he´ll leave the courtroom a free man! Do we need to wonder where he gets this confidence from? Nooooo.... ;)

Make your own decision. ;)

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