Samstag, 20. November 2010

The number 7 theory....

I´ve to admit, I never thought much about the "number 7 theory", but last night, I had a kinda weird dream, and when I woke up, one thought was running through my mind.
I dealed with MJ´s alleged autopsy report for many, many hours, weeks and months to get some clearance, what might have happened.
My attention in the morning layed on the alleged administered dosages of the different medications, MJ should have gotten from Dr. Murray, remember the timeline?
All in all, there should have been a 10 mg tab of valium at first, then 2 mg Lorazepam IV, followed by 2 mg Midazolam IV, then another 2 mg Lorazepam IV and again 2 mg Midazolam IV....and at the end, 25 mg Propofol via "IV drip", which is not possible, but that´s another topic... ;)
Let´s count the measurements.....10 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 25 = 43......and 4 + 3 = 7..... ;)

And another little number game....25 mg Propofol on June 25......25 + 25 = 50....the age, MJ allegedly "died".....
Beside the fact, that 2 + 5 = 7.... ;)

If there´s a purpose behind the number theory, how many clues did we still overlook?

Have a great weekend everybody! :)

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