Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

I´m a beLIEver!

I´m a beLIEver, I´m sure, Michael Jackson is still alive and hopefully well!
I´d please you not to try to convince me, he died on June 25, 2009! And it´s not my interest to convince you, that he didn´t! I´d just please you to have an open mind to realize, that something really shady is going on in the whole "MJ case"!

All the facts, which popped up during the last 16 months after MJ´s alleged "death" led me to just one conclusion.... MJ is alive!
I´m not talking about theories, but facts, and just facts!
The Autopsy Report alone is a 'miracle' itself, and I´ll explain more about it, piece by piece by piece by piece.
My knowledge about criminal investigations is based on my profession, I practize for over 20 years.
And my only interest is to point out all those strange incoincidences to make others think more than just one time....and to show, that the media can´t be trusted in any way!
To say it with MJ´s words..."Just because it´s written, it´s not the Gospel!"

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