Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

Responses and reactions to my open letter to Oprah...

Good morning, my friends,

first of all, I thank you, MichaelsbeLIEvers, for presenting my open letter to Oprah in a great video! :)

Reading the comments I see, I´m not alone with my opinion, and now we all will see, what will happen during the unterview with Lisa Marie Presley. It will be aired tomorrow, on thursday.
Unfortunately I won´t be able to watch it in Germany, but I really hope, it will be uploaded on youtube.
There was a very short preview on American TV (thank you, my big sister for telling me!) and all I could notice was, that Oprah "trampled around" the questions..."Why did you marry him?"...."Did you suspect the drug problem?"...."Did you think, you could save him?"...."Did he have to die - for you to recognize, that he loved you?"

As far as I know, MJ and Lisa Marie got divorced on August 20, 1996, more than 14 (!) years I have to say more?
How big might be the opportunity, that Lisa Marie was involved in MJ´s personal life after that? Some visits on his last world tour in 1996/1997? Some phone calls maybe? It´s up to you to make your own conclusion....

To make it clear, neither I feel for Lisa Marie Presley nor do I dislike her, I just wonder, why she "opens her heart" right now to talk about her emotions. I hope, the upcoming interview will give some answers!

Have a wonderful day! :)

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